Community organising is about taking action on the issues that affect our lives. It's non-partisan participatory democracy.
Candidate Forums, NSW Election 2023
We had a massive turnout for positive action in the Hunter Region. The community accepted the offer to actively participate in our democracy.
What were the outcomes?
We heard some very welcome commitments from the participating candidates:
ALL expressed support for establishing a Hunter Region Transition Authority (albeit with different levels of resourcing)
ALL committed to ending No Grounds evictions
ALL committed to meet with the HCA in a public forum within 12 months of forming government
What were they about?
HCA leaders, members and allies shared stories and expertise about housing, homelessness and climate change.
The HCA leaders presented the asks we developed this year to help solve and alleviate these pressures. We negotiated these proposals with the attending Hunter region candidates for the NSW election and sought commitments to make them happen.
Check here for the overview of the policy proposals and the forum agenda.
There were 2 community online forums to cover 8 Hunter electorates.
Wednesday 8 March: Wallsend, Cessnock, Maitland and Port Stephens
Thursday 9 March: Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Charlestown and Swansea
Unable to attend the forums? Watch the recordings below
State Election candidate forum 2023 Cessnock, Maitland, Wallsend and Port Stephens
State Election candidate forum 2023 Lake Macquarie, Newcastle, Swansea, Charlestown
Newcastle Lord Mayor Candidates Forum 2021
Alliance leaders, members, and allies will shared stories and professional expertise on the issues of homelessness, housing, and climate change. Then negotiated commitments on policy with Newcastle Lord Mayoral candidates.
Commitments won on: housing and homelessness policy; investment in 15% affordable housing; 100% emissions reduction LGA-wide by 2035.
Lake Macquarie Mayoral Candidates Forum 2021
Alliance leaders, members, and allies will share stories and professional expertise on the issues of homelessness, housing, and climate change. Then negotiated commitments on policy with Lake Macquarie Lord Mayoral candidates.
Commitments won on: housing and homelessness policy; investment in 15% affordable housing; 100% emissions reduction LGA-wide by 2035.
Action for Afghanistan
In October 2021 Alliance partners, including Uniting Churches in the Hunter, facilitated an online forum led by Afghan-Australian leaders in the Hunter. The forum attracted over 100 people and asked them to contact MPS and Ministers to advocate for a series of responses to the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan.
Housing and Homelessness in the Hunter
In July 2021, Alliance leaders won endorsement from City of Newcastle Councillors for a proposal that the Council work collaboratively with us on initiatives to assist people experiencing homelessness and on housing affordability.
That work was led by leaders from Community Disability Alliance Hunter, Hunter Tenants Advocacy & Advice Service, Nova for Women and Children and Adamstown Uniting Church. Read the Lord Mayoral Minute adopted by the council below.
Fair Rate For A Fair Future
In March and April 2020, we heard from 40 community leaders who, represented 33 different organisations, about how they were experiencing COVID-19. The themes were mapped and discussion led to a consensus that as an Alliance we should advocate for a permanent increase to JobSeeker and the pensions. This action continues.
Listening Campaign
Alliance members and allies engaged in a 6 month listening campaign from Oct 2020 to April 2021. Listening is fundamental to our organising model. We listen broadly and deeply to the stories about the pressures experienced by people. This led to Alliance leaders working on housing, homelessness and climate change issues.