Listening Campaign

Listening Campaign  

Hunter Community Alliance and collaborating organisations find the issues and challenges most important to people by listening and sharing stories. Over six months to April 2021, members listened to their communities and documented the pressures people face in our region. 

Now as we head towards Founding in March 2024, our organisations are listening as they prepare to come together for the common good to launch the HCA. 

In our organising model, listening involves one-on-one relational meetings between leaders and community members, and facilitated group conversations.  We also used an online survey and the existing processes of participating organisations.

The stories shared by people in the Hunter are documented and people with powerful stories, issues and leadership capacity are trained and encouraged to act for change that is in their interest and for the benefit of our communities.

This process contributes to our organising cycle. Alliance members decide by consensus which community issues we can act on together.

Our Relational Culture

Our Alliance practices a 'relational' culture, which means that for our leaders and members relationships come first. Issues come after relationships.

The relationships between people who form Hunter Community Alliance are based on shared values and motivations, and a desire to create change for the common good of the Hunter Region. We discover these things about one another by listening.